Heath Clinic (HIV)
The Heath Clinic (HIV) is an outpatient service for people living with HIV (Newly diagnosed and on-going care).
Service overview
We provide comprehensive care for HIV management including:
- Multi-disciplinary team approach with seamless care for those diagnosed from inpatient stay to the clinic.
- Consultant led medical care with access to inpatient facilities and investigations when appropriate.
- Support and counselling for those newly diagnosed to aid adjustment and facilitate partner notification.
- Specialist pharmacy to supply anti-retrovirals and verify any potential drug-drug interactions
- Clinical Nurse Specialists to support in adherence to medications and holistic care – links to partner agencies for on-going social, psychological and peer support,
- Joint management with obstetric and paediatric team to support management of pregnant HIV positive women
This combined repertoire of services had led to excellent outcomes as compared with benchmarked standards including high rate of: retention in care, virus suppression and restored immune system leading to return to good health.
How to refer
Email referral letter to ch-tr.heathclinic@nhs.net
Post referral letter to Heath Clinic, Croydon University Hospital, London Road, Croydon, CR7 7YE
Call the Heath Clinic secretary on 0208 401 3006
In Emergency
Call the switchboard on 0208 401 3000 and ask for the on call ward doctor